100 years. 100 grams

Bucharest, December 11, 2018. For the Centenary, the Recycling Patrol launches a new challenge of 100g for the collection of e-waste. Volunteer teachers and children chose to mark this historical moment with a call to responsibility and respect for the environment. At the Supporters’ Edition (2018-2019), local teams have a new objective to qualify for national awards: to mobilize their communities to recycle at least 100g of WEEE from each inhabitant of Romania until the end of the edition in August 2019.

This is the Recycling Patrol’s call:

We have celebrated 100 years since the Great Union. We value all the reasons that make us proud and optimistic. For 8 years, we, teachers and children from the Recycling Patrol are one of these reasons for our communities. We have contributed to the collection of over 3.5 million e-waste and to its recycling in a safe environment. We have encouraged people, institutions and businesses in hundreds of Romanian communities to adopt better habits, recycle more, pay more attention to the consequences of their actions. The way we live depends on what we do every day.

This year we want 100 grams from each of you!

100g WEEE care for our community and our nature.

100g WEEE respect for tradition and identity.

100g WEEE responsibility for future generations.

What does this mean? That EACH inhabitant, family, school, business or institution, EVERYBODY, from the neighbor to the corner shop, from the mayor to the employee should dispose of at least 100 GRAMS of e-waste, in the Patrol’s account, until 31 August 2019.

Any household, office or warehouse holds such waste – used batteries, lamps or old electrical and electronic appliances. So, each of you can help us by getting rid of these unnecessary items through our free local collection service (TelVerde 0800 444 800 or www.patruladereciclare.ro/recicleaza). Get started right now, at the holiday cleaning!

WEEE collection average in EU countries is 6 kg / inhabitant. This is the amount that every Romanian should ideally give to recycling every year. We still have a long way to go to reach this standard. We suggest that you take a first step – 100 grams of collected WEEE / inhabitant, hoping that you will continue with another 100, and 100 more, and so on.

Let’s give us another reason of pride! Let us prove we are able to respect our commitment and are capable of mobilization, solidarity, respect, care and responsibility.
