patrula de reciclare


National Collection Network

In order to reach out better to its public, RoRec Association developed programs suitable to all types of consumers.

The purpose of these programs is to inform and educate the public about the importance of collecting waste electrical and electronic equipment.

More than 6,000 volunteers took part in our projects, volunteers that shared with their communities the concern for the environment we all live in. They are our Super heroes.

But it is not easy for our ecological message to have an echo in the consumers’ ears, especially since we live in a world “bombed” with messages … bad and good…

Facebook Community

We communicate to our public through different media channels in order to help our compatriots realize that recycling and waste collection is more than an environmentally beneficial action, it is a matter of civilization and respect for each of us and the communities we live in.

Go to our Facebook accounts and and join our large community of friends!

Patrula de Reciclare

The Local Collection Service

The RoRec Association supports the Local Collection Service providing 27 Collection Centers at European standards, in 24 counties. There are more than 2,500 drop-off points with collection kits for batteries, lamps and small appliances in retail, gas stations, institutions, companies, organisations and schools.

Recycling Patrol

Since 2011, we have been developing the national project of environmental education - the Recycling Patrol  - dedicated to pre-university education to promote the separate collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) as a responsible gesture towards the environment and the community.

More than 93,000 coordinating teachers, pre-schoolers and students from kindergartens, schools, high schools in Bucharest and all countieshave participated in this national program. The kids are very receptive and interested in contributing to environment protection and they became true ambassadors of this movement in front of the adults. Each education unit registered for this project unfolds a series of educational activities with the help of the children that we call agents of the Recycling Patrol.

The agents actively take part in encouraging communities to collect obsolete electrical items, getting not only collection records but, more importantly, impressive results in mobilizing the people around them. To meet the patrols and see how many wonderful things they do, go to the program website,