The Recycling Patrols mobilized for the first WEEE information and collection activities

 After they overwhelmed us with very inspired proposals for Christmas cards, they are now taking part in the

competition “the Patrols are introducing themselves!”. We will award the picture that will receive the greatest
number of likes on the Recycling Patrol’s facebook page.
At every news and picture, the children and their coordinating teachers pleasantly surprise us with their creativity
and dedication.
The first top of the greatest WEEE collected amounts will be announced on the 1 st of March. What we can say
for the moment is that there are counties where the first tones of WEEE have been already collected. Thus the
competition is very tight! Will the new entered counties succeed in overrunning the counties that already have the
experience of the previous edition? We are looking forward to seeing the results…
We invite you to visit our Recycling Patrol facebook page and vote the pictures you like best. The Patrol needs as
many friends as possible to accomplish its mission!